Anna Seliverstova



Some Qualifications

  • Certified Slings Myofascial Training® Teacher Advanced Level
  • Certified Practitioner of Pilates Studio, Polestar Pilates
  • Educator Polestar Pilates
  • Educator at Practica Center
  • Anatomy Trains in Motion educator
  • Certificate Walking the lines, James Earls
  • Certificate Thirst 4 Function, Chris Wilkes
  • Certificate Active Fascial Release, James Leyland
  • Licensed Franklin Method Pelvic Power Trainer
  • Student of Structural Integration by Thomas Myers


A glimpse into the life of...


My first introduction to Anatomy Trains was with Thomas Myers’s book in 2011. As I opened the book, the wish grew to meet the creator of the concept and his team of professionals. So to get to know the people that work with the human body that deeply and thoroughly. Back then this dream seemed absolutely impossible.

At that point I was giving group classes in a fitness club and often reflected on the fact that the movements, that made a lot of sense at the first sight didn’t help everybody. With that thought in mind I came to Polestar Pilates Russia to learn the method. My understanding of the human body started to change. I certified as a Polestar Studio Pilates teacher and mentor. Now I’m a Pilates educator.

In 2016, Practica Center brought the Anatomy Trains in Motion course to Russia for the first time. Of course, I was among the students of Karin Gurtner. Her approach to movement and her way of interpreting Thomas Myers’s Anatomy Trains concept via movement has spoken to me and captured my heart. I’ve completed the whole Slings Myofascial Training, diving deeper and deeper into the world of fascia.

In my personal practice and in teaching movement to my clients I’ve noticed both short- and long-term positive changes in posture and body structures. When Karin invited me to join a teacher training, I didn’t hesitate for a moment. I keep deepening my knowledge and share it with the students.

Thomas Myers Structural Integration course that started in Russia this spring is my next step in studying the human body and Anatomy Trains. It’s such an honor to be a part of the team that I once dreamt to meet.